Deer Isle-Stonington Elementary School 

Creating resourceful, knowledgeable, and compassionate citizens of tomorrow.

Phone: (207)348-6301         249 N. Deer Isle Road FAX: (207)348-6304  Deer Isle, ME 04627     


2023-2024 Calendar


Vision Statement

Every CSD 13 student is a self-directed, active learner eagerly engaged in meaningful opportunities for exploration that allow them to follow their passions and dreams, both within their school and in their community. They are confident, resilient, proud of their school, and ready to be compassionate and involved citizens of tomorrow. 

To accomplish this: 

1. We provide our students with a comprehensive, personalized learning experience that includes opportunities to learn both inside and outside the classroom.

2. Our students will become clear communicators able to understand a variety of perspectives, skilled in interpersonal and real-world skills, and capable of contributing to strong community leadership.

3. Our learning community, built on the positive aspects of our island culture, will be student-centered, safe, respectful and nurturing for all. Students will be supported in learning to investigate options, make mistakes, and grow in the process. We will foster positive student/teacher educational partnerships as well as collaborative parental involvement and engagement.

4. Our CSD 13 staff are professional, respected, adaptable, and compassionate; they provide strong, informed educational practice and leadership within Union 76. Staff are supported within the schools, where the use of a shared decision model is employed, and also by the wider community. Professional development is encouraged and rewarded.

5. Our facilities are well-maintained and welcoming; they support learner needs and generate a sense of pride for the school community.

6. Our Community takes pride in and actively supports our schools. School/community collaboration to create community-based learning experiences is valued and encouraged. 

Core Beliefs

1. All students can learn and want to be successful.

2. Students learn in different ways, at different rates, and in a variety of settings.

3. Learning involves curiosity, taking risks, and making mistakes.

4. Students need clear and relevant learning targets, frequent feedback, and ongoing, meaningful reflection.

5. Effective applied learning incorporates opportunities for real-world problem-solving.

6. Social, emotional, and physical development are essential to students’ learning and success.

7. Students learn best in a safe environment characterized by positive relationships with peers, and with caring, competent adults.

8. High standards of performance are expected from all members of the learning community.

9. Life-long learning is a community-wide endeavor and a shared responsibility


Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (Summer EBT) Information

Dear Champions of Education,

A healthier future for our state begins with our children. Unfortunately, many children face hunger during the summer when they lose access to school meals. Children need good nutrition to grow, learn, and thrive. There are new tools to address summer hunger, including Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (Summer EBT), and a new flexible way to offer meals to children living in hard-to-reach, rural communities. 

The Notice of Decision letters will be mailed by Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) on or around May 17. The letter will notify a family that they have been found eligible for this benefit by participating in other DHHS programs (SNAP, TANF, FDPIR, or MaineCare, after being found eligible with a validated income rate at or below the185 percent of the federal poverty level) or by qualifying with a Free and Reduced Meal Benefit Application or by completing the EPS Form (Alternate Income Data Form). It will tell them how they will get the benefit, and how they can use the benefit. 

Below are documents to help you and other school staff answer questions about the program. All supporting documentation can be located on the Maine DOE Child Nutrition SUN Bucks homepage.  This information will also be shared through the Child Nutrition weekly Thursday update.    

The letter to households is intended to be posted on the school’s websites. We recommend that all schools post this letter on their websites. 

The letter to school staff is to share basic information about the program. We believe that the more information they have, the more that they can help. 

The job aid contains information to assist families with knowledge about the program. We recommend that this gets printed and hung in every office, in every school, with the contact information for DHHS highlighted.  

To date, two webinars have been conducted. A recording of the webinar can be located on the SUN Bucks page of the website.